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Mirror Blanks&Material | My Telescopes | Mirror Making | Deep Sky | ext. Links |

Welcome to the Astronomy and Telescope Making Pages of Stathis Kafalis.

I supply borosilicate glass blanks for telescope mirros, grinding and polishing material.

In the following pages you will find descriptions of my lightweight and compact Dobsonian telescopes, guidelines for making minimalist telescopes for amateur astronomy, making of astronomical mirrors by hand and observing of the deep sky wonders with this scopes.

Let the long travelled photons fall onto your retina. The best instrument for doing that is the telescope, that you shaped with your own hands.

Borosilicate Glass Blanks, Grinding and Polishing Material Order

Mirror Making:

Tips and Tricks (German Text)
Typical Mistakes (German Text)
Ultra thin 14" Mirror
60 cm Meniscus Mirror
50 cm Edge Correction and Parabolizing
Foucault Testers (German Text)

My Telescopes

32" Mirror
24" Kyklopas
17,5" Aristarchos
14" Ultra Thin Mirror 
10" Archimedes 
10" Travel Dobson 
24 cm Quints
17 cm Twins
6" Travel Dobson

Other Telescopes

Munich ATM- Group Telescopes (German Text)

Asteroid 207754 Stathiskafalis (2007 ST4)

Stathis and the Universe

Deep Sky Observing (mostly German Text)

Planetarische Nebel von George Abell
Superdünne Galaxien des RFGC
Tadpole Galaxie UGC 10214
Kugelhaufen NGC 5053 + Hintergrundsgalaxien
NGC 70 Gruppe in der Andromeda
Großglockner Dobsonfest August 2000
Solar eclipse Chile 2019 + deep sky Bolivia Altiplano (English)

DeepSky Artikel im Astrotreff

Image Gallery

Images shown in

Historical Image Gallery

Scientific Projects

IRIS 80 cm Telescope at Cerro Armazones, Atacama, Chile

EL TIGRE 1,20 m Telescope at Observatorio la Luz, Guanajuato Mexiko

MONET 1.20 m telescopes at Mc. Donald Observatory Texas and SAAO South Africa

STELLA 1,20 m Telescopes at the Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife

Stathis Kafalis
Krumpterstr. 6
D-81543 Muenchen
Tel: +49 / (0)89 / 62 42 01 71
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